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greenland is full of ice…iceland is very nice June 21, 2010

Posted by Meg C in Bachelor.

Thaaaaat’s right, I just quoted the Mighty Ducks and feeling pretty awesome.

OK so this is a big week. It’s VACA week!!  I’ve been dreaming of this week for MONTHS now, and it is upon me.  Which is awesome, except for one minor issue: I have to pack.

I hate packing.  Almost as much as I hate the rain.  I start thinking about how to pack and what to pack weeks before I leave.  All that to say, this episode was perfectly timed,  because my dining room table is covered in half of my earthly possessions that I might need to pack.  Woof.  Send help.

But Iceland is calling and I must respond!

I don’t know that I’ve ever loved the guys on a season of the Bachelorette more than I love these guys.  I don’t know when it was exactly that Kirk became attractive, but I’m kind of in love.  Just add him to the list…Chris L., Frank, Roberto, Ty, now Kirk.  Sheesh.   And to think they’re all wasted on this blonde extension wearing, hyena laughing, Jake loving Bachelorette.

This Blue Lagoon date was just unreal.  I’ve never seen anything like that before in my life – I want to go there like asap.  Meanwhile, poor Kirk, who’d already received a rose for the week, is stuck back at the Hilton with Kermit the Frog and the Wrestler, who are probably the only 2 guys left that I don’t like.  Although Frank’s psycho tendencies really seem to be coming full swing, I’m willing to stick with him if Ali does. 

OK did you all watch last season’s Bachelorette?  Do you remember the one time they showed a volcano on that season?  It was kind of an awful director’s decision that was just so awful it left you feeling a little stunned, a little dirty, and just a little bit stupid.  Anyway, I couldn’t stop thinking of that every time we saw a volcano on tonight’s episode and there were so many, it got to the point I was laughing out loud at pretty much nothing.  And then I was laughing out loud at Kasey and his tattoo.  He got a freaking tattoo.  Does he know TV isn’t real?  I mean geez dude.  A tattoo.  On your wrist.  Of a rose.   But kudos to Ali who had the guts to dump him a good ten minutes after he showed that thing off.  And not only dump him, but leave him on top of the Icelandic volcano.   The only way she could’ve done better is if she would’ve left “Rated R” up there too. 

I loved her rose ceremony dress.  Loveddddd it.  Like, I want it.  Let’s not forget the best thing about Ali as the Bachelorette:  she’s got great boots.  And now, she’s got a great dress.  So she’s growing on me a little.   Just a little. 

And who the crap is Chris N.?  Poor fella.  Constantly looks like a dear in the headlights, so it was not surprising when he was the second one sent home this evening.

Chris Harrison totally rocked that black and white checked tie, yes?  Dude knows what’s up.  And did you SEE those lamps behind them in the interview??  They’re from IKEA!  Go figure, IKEA stuff in Iceland.

But from the looks of next week’s episode, this whole evening was just one big trailer setting up to the big showdown.   It’s Ali v. Vienna Round II, except this time she’s going up against the bachelor who has a girlfriend at home.  Drama!  I’ll be somewhere between Charleston, SC (home of Roberto!!), Winston-Salem, NC, Virginia Beach, and DC, but you know I’m making time for this stuff!


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